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Create a Dynamic Full-Screen Particle System in Godot | Leaf Falling Overlay Tutorial

Visual effects, or VFX, are an essential part of game development if you want to keep players engaged. One of the most impressive visual effects you can create is a full-screen particle system, like the beautiful leaf falling overlay shown in this video.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create your own dynamic full-screen particle system in Godot. This method is flexible and will work on any screen size, so you can create stunning effects for your game no matter what device it's played on.

To start, you'll need a leaf image and the Godot engine.


Open up Godot and create a new scene. Add a Particle2D node to the scene, and set the image in the texture property. Next, set the amount to 20 and the lifetime to 5 seconds in the time section. Uncheck the local coordinate option in the drawing section, and add a new particles material in the process material section.

Now set these values to particles material.

Before we move into code, let's first understand what we're going to do. In most games, a Camera2D node is used to show only a small part of the entire world. We need to place the particle system just above the visible screen area so that the leaves fall from above.

Our first task is to get the coordinate of the top-left part of the visible screen and find the size of the visible area. Once we have this information, we can place our Particle2D node just above the screen using the top-left coordinate and expand the particle's emission shape to cover the entire length of the screen.

To do this, we'll create a script with a process function that contains a variable called canvas. This variable contains the canvas transform, which we can use to get the coordinate of the top-left position and the size of the current visible screen.

With this information, we can set the X position of the Particle2D node to the middle of the screen by adding half the screen size in the horizontal direction. For the Y position, we just add 50 to the top-left position to move it above the screen. Finally, we'll set the emission shape's length to equal the screen size, the width to 50, and leave the Z axis unchanged.

Once you've created your script, place the scene anywhere in your tree, and your full-screen leaf falling animation is ready to go!


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