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Showing posts from June, 2021

How to Create Joystick in Godot

  here is the tutorial video: code use in the tutorial Joystick Code var start_pos: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO var end_pos: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO var valid_pos = false onready var js_pos = get_node("background").rect_position onready var js_bg = get_node("background") onready var js_handle = get_node("background/handle") signal swipe_detect(swipe_direction, strength) signal swipe_end func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if valid_pos: if event is InputEventScreenDrag: if start_pos == Vector2.ZERO: start_pos = event.position js_bg.rect_position = Vector2(start_pos.x - 128, start_pos.y - 128) end_pos = event.position var direction = end_pos - start_pos if direction.length() < 120: js_handle.rect_position.x = 96 + direction.length() js_handle.rect_pivot_offset.x = 32 - direction.length() js_handle.rect_rotation = rad2deg(direction.angle()) emit_signal("swipe_detect",direction, direction.length())